Friends Forever:
SOS Chapala
DOG Rescue Legacy

Canada and United States
Application to Adopt
We understand that some of these questions may be personal and you might be wondering if they are really necessary. Our goal is to pair the right dog with the right family. Every family is different and every rescue dog is unique, too. This application helps us identify which dog(s) might be the right fit for you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to fully complete this application.
Please include all phone numbers and do not leave any applicable question blank (even if you need to answer NA). Please include a detailed explanation for any question where you are asked to elaborate. Failure to provide accurate, true, and/or complete information to the best of your knowledge can result in the immediate termination of your adoption application/process.
While SOS is not a first-come first-served shelter, timing does play a part. SOS focuses on finding the best matches between dogs and families to ensure life long joy for all. SOS reserves the right to refuse adoption to anyone without disclosing the reasons.
By completing this application I/we have read and agree to all terms stated above.
I/We attest that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We understand that completion of submission of this application does not guarantee adoption of a dog.