Friends Forever:
SOS Chapala
DOG Rescue Legacy

Ana's Dogs
Ana's dogs need our help!
Ana Luisa Maldonado is a well known rescuer in the Lake Chapala area who used to send her dogs to SOS Chapala DOG Rescue, but the municipality recently closed that shelter. Even worse, the owner of her property now demands that she send her dogs to a kill shelter in Guadalajara (meaning that, if the dogs aren't adopted within a short space of time, they are put down). Some of the dogs have found other shelters and fosters to take them temporarily, but others are still in immediate danger. This page is dedicated to help these dogs find homes.
The dogs have been living outside in open kennels, some for as long as a year. Little is known about their past lives, whether they are house-trained, friendly with cats, etc. However, if someone is interested and needs to have a dog cat-tested first, that can be arranged. The dogs have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated.
For additional information on any of the available dogs for foster or adoption, please contact David Ellison at +1 (510) 684-6506 or send an email to soschapaladogrescue@gmail.com.